If you're going to drink, try to alternate between water and alcohol to minimize intake and stay hydrated. You can also seriously slash your alcohol calories by using seltzer water as a mixer for hard liquor. 

And eat those vegetables...first.  

It's tough to make "half of your plate" vegetables if there are no actual vegetables being served at your holiday dinner. Consider bringing a dish of non-starchy veggies to the festivities. 

Try alternating between water and alcohol. 

This means before you enjoy the roasted turkey, glazed ham, savory stuffing, and sweet potato pie, have a serving of the vegetable dish you brought to the party. Why? This makes sure that you actually eat the vegetables (before getting full). And because vegetables tend to be high in nutrients and fiber—a winning combination for overall health. 

Definitely savor each bite. 

Make physical activity a thing the day of.  

Gobble/Jingle Without Guilt: Healthy Holiday Eating Habits

It’s easy to get swept up in the holiday season. This combination of religious and national celebrations can help keep the cold winter away. But the feasts and parties that mark it can tax the arteries and strain the waistline. By eating just 200 extra calories a day — a piece of pecan pie and a tumbler of eggnog here, a couple latkes and some butter cookies there — you could pack on two to three pounds over this five- to six-week period. That doesn’t sound like much, except few people shed that extra weight in the following months and years.
Enjoy these holiday healthy eating tips to keep you on track to your fitness goals

In addition to walking, consider incorporating winter physical activities into your holiday festivities. Sledding and ice skating two ways to stay active that the whole fam can enjoy. shoveling snow can be another great way to get those muscles working, but be careful!  


this is a popular strategy for holiday eating. Skipping breakfast and lunch to "save" all of your calories for dinner typically leads to overeating. Instead, have a balanced breakfast and enjoy a satisfying lunch the day of the event. 

I know that healthy holiday eating can make people anxious, but try not to get too worked up. This should be a time of celebration and also relaxation. If you do happen to eat more than you planned during this holiday season, don't beat yourself up. More importantly, don't let a slip become a fall. If you do go overboard, don't get stuck in a food rut. Try to get back to your healthy eating habits as soon as you possibly can.   

And finally, lose the guilt.   

Enjoy dessert, and be mindful while doing it. . 

We all know the importance of eating slowly and waiting before going for seconds, mainly because it takes 20+ minutes for your brain to get the signal that you're actually full. Remember to pace yourself. By savoring every delicious bite, you're more likely to take your time and stop when you've had enough. 

Bring on the vegetables. 

Dessert is a beautiful thing. There will likely be endless assortments of cakes, cookies, pies, and ice cream at your holiday meal. Have some. Enjoy it. If you want to taste every dessert in attendance, consider having a small sampling of each.   

And do not skip meals.