The movement

For the lower portion of the movement from the ground to the knee you want to push the feet into the ground while keeping the hips down during until the bar reaches knee level (Fig. 6). This will protect the integrity of the lower back. Once you reach knee level this becomes a posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) and back exercise because hips are driven forward to meet the bar at standing position (Fig. 7). Ensure the elbows are straight by squeezing the triceps. On the way down, it is the exact reverse motion. From the standing position you want to hinge down until you get to the knee level (maintaining a flat back)
Once you are at the knee level it is a straight knee bend until the bar meets the floor.

Feet Placement and Grip

When approaching the barbell, your feet should be positioned at hip width (Fig. 1)
The bar should be 1 inch to 1.5 inches away from your shins, therefore you should be able to see your laces (Fig. 2)
Common fault: The bar positioned too far from the shins leading to high hips and low back stress

Hand grip
Overhand grip – Weakest grip but most balanced (Fig. 3)
Mixed grip – muscular imbalances
If this grip is used the individual/athlete should ensure no elbow flexion on the underhand and if unsure the elbow should be extended fully to keep the biceps safe.
Hook grip – thumb wrapped around, most effective and strongest

Ideal position for your hands on the bar is 1 inch outside of hip width feet with enough room to make sure that you aren’t scraping your arms against the outside of your legs on the way up and that you aren’t inadvertently bending your elbows when you press your knees outward on the ascent which can jeopardize the health of your biceps.

Let's Talk Deadlift

The hip hinge is one of the fundamental movements of a lot of programs, and one of the most effective ways of building lower body strength. The conventional deadlift, (shown) is one of the best ways to increase strength in the hip extensors (glutes and hamstrings) as full hip extension is necessary to deadlift with a proper form.

The gluteal complex of muscles (i.e., gluteus maximus, medius and minimus) plays a key role in helping take stress off the spine during multiplanar movements. That’s because these muscles help control movements of the torso, pelvis, hips and legs. Increased glute strength has been shown to alleviate chronic low back and knee pain. The hinge movement pattern is required for essential activities of daily living such as sitting, lifting and most sporting activities. It is also a staple exercise in training regimens designed to enhance performance and to build injury resilience.

Despite variations on how the deadlift technique is instructed and executed to address specific performance goals, nearly all deadlift variations comprise a standard, basic, and fundamental blueprint that underlies the biomechanical technique that will support progressive physical attribute improvements and decrease the risk of training induced injuries.Type your paragraph here.

Positioning of chest, arms, hips, and back

Chest should be up, while the hips should stay down and back
Hips should be positioned higher than the knees (unlike the squat) due to the mechanics of the deadlift being a posterior chain focused exercise (Fig. 5)
Faults: Hips positioned too high will make the lift harder and may contribute to low back rounding (Fig. 4)
Your arms should be pushing down on barbell to activate the lats

Keep the bar as close to the body as possible to keep the shoulder girdle as tight as possible during the lift
Shoulder blades shoulder be over the barbell (perpendicular to the floor) (Fig. 5)
Keep pulling your arms down to the sides which will help to keep the bar close and will engage the lats to ensure stability of the shoulder girdle throughout the lift

Back Set Up 
The back should have its natural curve on the lumbar section and rounding on the upper back and that natural curve of the spine should be maintained throughout the lift
The core should be kept tight to ensure back safety
Faults: Overarching in the low back puts the hamstrings, and low back at disadvantage and disengages the glutes
Faults: Rounding of the low back will put pressure on the discs of the lower back and may put the individual at risk for herniation